Find Community
Find Truth
Begin Living
A church that equips you to know and follow Jesus.
Join us on Sunday
8:00 Worship
Traditional worship available in person and live on KDLM radio 1340 AM/93.1 FM/96.9FM
9:15-10:15 Discipleship Hour
Join us for fellowship, coffee, and donuts and engage in faith conversations.
Join us for fellowship, coffee, and donuts and engage in faith conversations.
10:30 Worship
Non-Traditional available in person and live online
Also on Arvig channel 14 on Wednesdays at 4PM

We have a new look for our online giving tool!
Using Vanco Online is easy for our church members and visitors. It allows the convenience to make donations when you’re in church or unable to attend church. Your financial support ensures our ministry continues so the Word of God is shared every day as well as supporting our missions.
Please click the button below to give online. You can make one-time gifts online as well as set up recurring donations. If you are setting up a recurring donation, you are asked to create an account with Vanco so you are able to manage it yourself. Vanco also gives you an option cover the transaction fees so more of your gift goes the the our church!
People to do Life with.
Ministries for all ages with all types of families.
We encourage the entire family to be involved with ministry events, children’s education and youth confirmation. We help empower and enable parents to be an integral part of their children’s spiritual development. We believe parents and guardians are essential to spiritual development in kids.

Zion has a variety of adult fellowship, service and educational opportunities. Adults find support, friendship and deepen their faith here, often with coffee and donuts.
We value our adult congregants as they help guide and support younger families. These disciples know there is no end to learning and following. A variety of educational opportunities exist.
Welcome Home
Connect with a community who can provide encouragement and support. Together, we can navigate the distractions and uplift each other.
You will find direction through Jesus. We learn from His teachings, imitating His character, receiving his gifts, and actively participating in His mission of love, grace, and hope.
Discipleship is not only about personal growth but also impacting the world around.
You can connect with God on Sundays and throughout the week – we will provide tools and guidance.
Zion Lutheran Church LCMS of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota is a confessional evangelical lutheran church. Its beliefs are centered on God’s Word and the theology and doctrine of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod LCMS. Click here to view this doctrine and these beliefs.
Zion Lutheran Church of Detroit Lakes, Minnesota is affiliated as a member church of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod www.lcms.org and of the Minnesota North District of the Lutheran Church Missouri www.mnn.lcms.org. Please visit these respective sites for more information.
The mission of Zion is to equip all people through God’s Word and Sacraments to be disciples (believers, learners, followers and sharers) of Christ.
Discipleship As Life = We live as disciples of Jesus at home, community and church. Following Jesus (being a disciple) is not PART of life, it IS life. We view it AS life.

Zion DL is here for you.
1100 Lakes Ave
1100 Lakes Ave
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Our mailing address:
Zion Lutheran Church
P.O. Box 926
Detroit Lakes, MN 56502